100 Days of learning – Day 9

SOMEBODY … or maybe somebody else really should have a rentable compute / AI training workstation for their Patreon subscribers.

There’s an audience of people who might have a $100, $200, $500 or $1000/month budget for some serious compute time … maybe WE are part of that audience … we take our science or graph compute hobby seriously or at least seriously enough that we have a SMALL budget to feed our aspirations of developing or leveling-up our skillset … but our SMALL budget is not going to be more than $1000/month – it might not even be $100/month … but we will need some time on genuinely powerful workstations, but we do not really need 24x365 always-immediately-available mission-critical business-level time, although we might want that for our little learning sandboxes … so why isn’t some tech who builds systems offering time [by the day, hour or minute] on something like a $1,000,000 monster workstation as a $2500/day or $100/hr reservable, possibly interruptible service?

Well … maybe someone is offering this as a service … or, if not this, there’s probably something pretty close and probably even better, right?

Let’s see what’s out there … sure, we always need to be looking for the freebies, FIRST … but, at some point, we should not be afraid to pay something to RENT some genuine power.