100 Days of learning – Day 10

OOld-timers know why “It’s [always] the COMMUNITY, stupid!” … you cannot understand economics or how massively large communities work until AFTER you have experienced what it is like to really have legit skin in the game.


The COMMUNITY of freely-extensible open source software continues to eat the world.

There’s no end to the amount of “sharpening the saw” that is necessary for container admin tools … sharpening the community saw means understanding what the community is about and who else is also working on the sharpening.

“It’s [always] the COMMUNITY, stupid!” … you simply cannot understand economics or how the marketplace behaves or how massively large communities work until AFTER you have experienced what it is like to really have legit skin in the game, ie, has your skin touched the hot stove? This is not something that you can just google or look up on Wikipedia – it has to be learned the HARD WAY … what is your REAL reason to imagine that you actually had LEGIT skin in the game when it came to the COMMUNITIES of Jupyter, PyTorch, PyCUDA, CUDA …?