100 Days of learning – Day 15

This is mostly a matter of more aggressive attempts to do peer programming and find research collaborators.

It’s conversion of social graphs and knowledge graphs into productive work on APPLIED algorithms for HPC … from the realm of people who do chemistry and material science, we must engage those who are also skilled in HPC and things like SLURM.

It might about webinars, screencasting, peer programming while running SLURM in a rentable compute setting … but it’s not really for people who have not put in the time … so access to the screencasting will be necessarily selective.

However, it is about business development and prospecting … sifting through pre-print archives, online fora, maybe code search through GitHub/GitLab repos of workflows run on AWS, Azure, GCP, vast.ai, et al … the application domain has to drive the code … but the code needs to compile and run in available compute environments … and that has to be done by finding the people who are serious about this realm.